Make My eQuals an integral part of your verification process


For employers, recruiters, and verification agencies.


My eQuals allows you to instantly check people’s education claims, anywhere, anytime


My eQuals is a secure and easy way for verification agencies, employers, and recruitment professionals to receive and instantly verify official tertiary credentials online. Verifiers can integrate My eQuals into their verification process either by becoming a Receiving Organisation which gives you your own receiving portal, or by plugging My eQuals directly into your website or verification interface.

Tertiary credentials issued through My eQuals are authentic, tamper-evident, and legally valid. If you receive an academic credential, document, or badge through My eQuals, you can be certain that it is official and coming directly from the issuing Education Provider.

Easy to use
The student, graduate, or alumnus controls their My eQuals credentials and how they share them. All you have to do is ask the person to share them with you by sending you a secure link that allows you to receive, view and verify their credentials. Alternatively, the student, graduate, or alumnus may share a cryptographically signed PDF of their credential with you that is legally valid and tamper-evident. My eQuals offers a one-stop online environment for employers, government agencies, and other third parties to receive and instantly verify official tertiary credentials.

Simply asking students and graduates to share their credentials with you on My eQuals service is absolutely free. For high-volume Verifiers, the integration of My eQuals into your existing automated business or verification process saves time, money, and costly mistakes.

My eQuals is governed and operated by participating Australian and New Zealand Education Providers

My eQuals is a reliable, single source of truth

Participating education providers certify and upload official academic credentials and records to the My eQuals platform. The records are cryptographically signed, legally valid, and can be relied upon as 100% authentic.

  • Trusted globally

    My eQuals is home to every major university in Australia and New Zealand and an increasing number of other tertiary Education Providers. My eQuals has helped more than 1.6 million New Zealand and Australian students and graduates share their credentials around the world.

  • Secure & private

    My eQuals is based on privacy by design principles with privacy built into the system architecture at every level. All credentials are certified by the issuer, legally valid, cryptographically signed, and tamper-evident.

Follow the Verifier FAQs link to learn more and make enquiries.

Download our fact sheet
and find out more about
My eQuals for Verifiers

“With My eQuals, we can easily check whether or not someone has the qualifications they claim to have.”