Why RTOs & Private Education Providers are joining My eQuals

My eQuals’ origins can be traced back to the Groningen Declaration, which inspired all Australian and New Zealand universities to come together and recognise the need for higher education institutions to have an easy and secure place to issue and manage official credentials for their students and graduates.

It has come a long way since. In addition to all Australian and New Zealand universities being participants, My eQuals is also the platform of choice for many TAFEs, Independent Higher Education Providers and Registered Training Organisations. This growth in members supports learners on their Lifelong Learning journey, empowering them to create learning profiles that can be shared with potential employers and enabling greater student mobility.

In this showcase (below), we hear directly from industry leaders from across the sector about what drove them to join My eQuals and the benefits they’ve experienced.

Watch the video showcase below to…

  • Learn about My eQuals, the secure network platform that has been opened to all accredited tertiary education providers, and see how the network operates.

  • Hear directly from institutions on why they joined My eQuals and how it complements the USI

  • Discover what operational improvements and student recognition benefits have been realised

  • See how Admissions utilise and rely on digitally verified credentials

  • Understand the benefits of moving from paper to digital and,

  • Learn more about government initiatives for fair and equitable recognition of credentials and skills


Tim Weir - Deputy CEO, Armstrong Institute

Sandra Frerichs - General Manager, Academic Services and Administration, Kaplan Business School

Verdi Arli - Associate Director, Admissions, Future Students, The University of Melbourne

Jay Segeth- My eQuals Program Director, HES

Daniel Hibbert - Director, Parchment, an Instructure company

If you are an RTO or Private Education Provider and would like to know more, get in touch using the form below.


The benefits of issuing Official Letters through My eQuals


How RMIT University saved time and resources by moving academic award issuing to a digital solution