Interested in learning more about how My eQuals helps institutions issue, verify and receive academic credentials? You’ve come to the right place.
Below you may find testimonials, interviews and case studies from Universities, TAFEs and Registered Training Organisations in ANZ.

Streamlining Success: How My eQuals Transformed ECU’s Credential Management
Edith Cowan University’s adoption of My eQuals demonstrates its commitment to innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

Secure, Efficient, and Student-Centric: My eQuals at Griffith University
Griffith University, a leading Australian institution with a strong focus on vocational learners, has been at the forefront of digital credentialing since adopting the My wQuals platform in May 2017.

Ease and Accessibility - The Benefits of My eQuals at The University of Auckland – Waipapa Taumata Rau
Learn how the University of Auckland not only streamlined operations but also elevated the student experience with My eQuals.

Why Holmesglen Institute Loves My eQuals
Holmesglen Institute, one of Victoria’s largest government-owned TAFEs, transformed its document management process in 2023 by implementing My eQuals.

The benefits of issuing Official Letters through My eQuals
Utilising the ability to issue new document types through My eQuals, University of Queensland significantly achieved a high degree of automation when fulfilling student requests. Read this case study to learn how that, in turn, helped staff focus on less transactional and more meaningful interactions with students.

How RMIT University saved time and resources by moving academic award issuing to a digital solution
For years, RMIT University has been utilising My eQuals for digitally certifying academic credentials - read their case study to see what the results look like.

Achieving success with My eQuals - A conversation with Monash University
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Lisa Davis, Senior Director of Student Services at Monash University, for a Q&A in which she talked us through the University’s experience with My eQuals so far.

Curtin University - A conversation on the impact of My eQuals
We spoke with Neville Hiscox, Chief Student Services Officer at Curtin University, about his experience with My eQuals, the impact on students, and why he’s excited about the future.

The My eQuals Success Story - Case study with Monash University
Monash University was an early pioneer of My eQuals, driving the conversation for a national platform in the Digital Student Data (DSD) initiative in 2015-2016. Read the case study, which includes a Q&A with Lisa Davis, Senior Director of Student Services at Monash University.

My eQuals is for every institution, no matter the size!
Read the BBI-TAITE My eQuals Success Story and learn how the institution is saving costs, time and resources through a secure, digital, solution for issuing academic credentials.